Step 1 -
I am organised today with my stationary equipment and Chromebook charged for English.
I am in the right head space to work with others because I have fuelled my body to give itself energy to learn and stay focused.
Step 2 -
To complete my learning objective I can stay focused and not get distracted
I can manage my time for the work-timeline by organised and setting an amount of time I should spent on a working activity.
I think maybe if I have not reached the right amount of work completed today I can take it home to work with.
Step 3 -
To be learning ready I can have Mr. Aiken to help me when I'm struggling, google drive and my chromebook charged.
I can complete work that is written out and explained of course, but I may have a few questions if I am unsure.
Step 1 -
I am somewhat ready to learn because I know the what, how and when I am learning but not the why of why I'm learning.
Step 2 -
My learning goals are being able to write my own similes, metaphors, personification, hyperbole, assonance, onomatopoeia, alliteration and understand them to improve my writing.
Step 3 -
To engage in the connectivist learning process I will need my english teacher, chromebook, google doc, slides, blogger and video access websites e.g Youtube
Step 4 -
My learning went
Next time I will
Creative Writing Language Features
Simile - Comparing two things using the terms like or as -
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