Hello , My name is Emily Mayhem , I was involved in The Voyage in Britain in the 1850’s. I am going to tell you my experience of being apart of The Voyage. I was 7 years old at the time but I remember everything .I was living in England , London and working as a servant. Your probably thinking what is a 7 year old girl like me working as a servant , that may not be your normal but that was my normal I worked like that everyday for a really long time , 2 years , Then my caregiver thought it was about time to start a healthier life , She thought it was best , My mother died while giving birth to me and my father , I never knew him. Me and my caregiver (Erin) We were having our break and having lunch , I was extremely grateful because I don’t normally get a full meal , I barely get anything in a day . Anyways , While we were eating and enjoying our meal , Then there was a tall man that came in a suit , He was carrying large paper posters under his arm , He stopped nearby and stapled a post on the wooden wall in the bar I work at and left , On the poster was information on migrating to America , Australia , Canada and New Zealand .
I showed Erin this and I could tell by the look on her face that when she saw this poster , She was very determined to this idea. Today was Saturday July 14th and Migration Day is Monday July 16th , So we had 2 days to get a contract for Migration Day from the mayor of London . That may sound simple , But for 2 servants like Erin and myself were looked down on Because of how poor we were and how little money we had , So we chose to break a few laws along the process. Once we got the contract Erin signed her signature , and I just wrote my name . We got there , and you remember the few rules we broke , Well one of them was stealing . We wore the stolen clothing and entered the ship above and where I could see the ocean . I looked back to see where Erin had gone and when I turned I couldn’t see her , I searched before finally looking down and saw that Erin was down there standing with her hat in her hands and waved . This was her saying goodbye to me . We talked about how life would be without each other and she explained to me that maybe the soldiers wouldn’t let her on , but I didn’t think that she was serious , or maybe I just didn’t want to believe that . I tried to get past and run down the plank of the ship but the soldiers blocked it off . The ship was already moving and I didn't even realise it . I went inside the ship and looked for the closest bathroom and cried my eyes out. I didn't understand because why she left me . So after I was finished having a meltdown , I searched the ship for my bags and once I found them , There was a man and he came up to me to give me a key with a number on it. I think this was the key to my room. So I searched for a while before I found it . This room I shared with 2 other people , a sweet elderly lady who's name was Susan Cooper and Susan had her granddaughter with her , Her name was Elizabeth Cooper who was 12 years old . We became friends quite fast , and she helped me get over without being with Erin . I still couldn't understand why they didn't let her through , or I through to Erin.