
Monday 19 November 2018

Wearable Arts

The Passion Project I join is Wearable Art that was my third choice . Creative Junk was the place Wearable Art persons visited to look for recycled reusable stuff to make for a Wearable Art .  I am making Peacock with blue  fabric , blue and gold ribbon , milk bottle top and a mask with a peacock feather from a Creative Junk . I have a long blue fabric that is use for long back dress  with a legging                                                                                                                                                                   

Friday 26 October 2018

English "Hunt For The Wilderpeople"

In English we are Learning to Think Critically to Identify and Describe the key Aspects of a Visual text.

For English we are doing Film Study and for The Film Study we are using and have already viewed is "Hunt For The Wilderpeople"
The Picture I have used below is an Screenshot of my work What is Called a Plot . It is a Timeline of all the Main Events in the Film

Tuesday 28 August 2018

Three Piece Puzzle

Started the Three Piece Puzzle by doing a Paper Three Piece Puzzle first by using a method that Mr Rzoska showed the class , We processed the same method we used for the Paper Three Piece Puzzle and copied the method on to the Three Piece Timber Puzzle.

We used Three Pieces of timber wood to start off with , measured with a ruler vertically , horizontally and straight , lined up the timber wood with the line , drew the lines by the both sides of timber , drew the shaped to create the puzzle and started the cutting of the puzzle.

We used the method we used for the Paper Three Piece Puzzle Plan and coped that method of the paper to the Three Piece Timber Puzzle , Started drilling , cutting and chiselling

Friday 17 August 2018

Music 2018

What am I working on this year?
I am working on filming a 30 second film with 9sp and enter the 30 second film before 5pm Friday 28 September 2018 for this term.

What is my job?
My job this term for music is to write to the manager of Mega air if Hornby high school students and try and convince the manager of Mega Air if Hornby high students can use the Mega Air studio for the 30 second Fair Go Ad awards.

How will you ensure that we are successful?
If the locations we have sent the letter to allow us to use their space , make a successful video for the Fair Go Ad awards with it.

What am I learning?
How the Fair Go Ad awards works and write a letter so that Mega Air is convinced enough to let us use the space.

How does this work show my learning?
Because this work is showing how much my learning increases and how much I am doing.

What am I wondering?
If the managers of the locations we have sent the letters to will allow 9sp student to borrow the space for an amount of time.

Wednesday 9 May 2018

Reading in English


for sustainable silent reading I chose to read a book about flags.There are over 400 flags included in the book.There weren't just countries of flags there were also flags of city's The purpose of why the author wrote the book was to inform and entertain the audience about flags.The book of flags included what year the flag was adopted , Ratio , Capital of the country/city and the meaning of everything on the flag. 

The targeted age group audience for this book is young teens+

today for sustainable silent reading I chose to do reading theory.There were some questions that I had already done before.I didn't get all if my questions right . During when I was reading reading theory I learned that a yawn was to tell a predator that your are tired but still powerful to scare away any predators.Purpose of why the author of reading quiz was to inform the audience.

The targeted age group for this quiz is ages young teens+

today I did a 4 stuff quiz.I didn't get all of the answers right.I learned that Australia used to be known as New Holland before it got it's name and that a eel's life span lives for 40 years.

Tuesday 8 May 2018

Hot and Cold water diffusion

This is what the liquid looked like before we added the purple crystal.The liquid we used was regular hot and cold water.

When we added the purple crystal to the hot water it stayed still and then after a few second it developed some movement.When we added the purple crystal to the cold water it did spread as fast as the hot water did.

Wednesday 2 May 2018

Ball and Ring experiment

We held the ball using the handle over the bunsen burner first to see if the heat energy expand the ball when we put 
through the ring.There was a moment 
                        when the ball did caught fire.

When we heated the ball by itself it fit through the ring , then when we heated the ring it didn't really fit through but sort of did if we slightly pushed it through.You could see the colour changing when it was heated.

    When we heated the ball and ring you could not see the movement t
through the particles in them but if you used a magnifying glass you could see
 the movement through the particles starting to shake.

Music and Stories for Matariki

1 .
Matariki is a celebration that Maori and New Zealand celebrate on the 15th June. Matariki is a Maori name for the seven sisters also known as Pleiades star cluster.   

2 .
Pop music Stan Walker Ria hall Troy Kingi Maisey Riki
It's in a different language.
It spell Aotearoa

No matter is your near or far , We come from the land of God , No matter where you belong , We'll fight for your freedom , I am the mountain you are the sea flowing towards me , You are the river that runs through me , I am her she is me , created from dust and sand born to lead this land.

3 .
Traditional maori story
Young children.
Brothers find themselves wife's except Mitai.Mitai was suspicious of the sisters who married the brother's .Mitai overhear the sisters plan to starve them to their death.
That there is a day NZ celebrate Matariki.

Traditional maori stori
Young children
Tamariki uses something of Ranginui so Ranginui deliver Tamariki's waka to the heavens so everyone remembers what he did.

Wednesday 14 March 2018

Year 9 Drama Performance Arts.

Jesus Christ Superstar
1. Andrew Webber and Tim Rice.
2.  To entertain the audience who haven't heard or read The Bible but most have.Jesus Christ Superstar is a recreation of The Bible.Jesus Christ Superstar doesn't just have to entertain the audience who haven't heard/read The Bible can also entertain those who have.

1.   Stephen Schwartz
2.  A woman who is different because she is green coloured and bullied when she was younger because she looked different so that makes her be wicked to everybody else.

Wednesday 7 March 2018

Tuesday 27 February 2018

Filtration experiment

To separate dirty water and mud from water and at the end of the experiment have clean , clear  and drinkable water.

Fabric cloth
Clean cotton balls
paper towels
clean plastic cups
Plastic water bottle
Dirty water


Step 1:
First thing we did was cut the end of the water bottle and used the rest of the water bottle for the filterer

Step 2:
We used the string to tie the fabric cloth to the end of the water bottle where we cut it and poured the dirty water over the fabric cloth

Step 3:
(Optional) You can do a second experiment to using a different method to see the differences between them and compare them.

Step 4:
You filter the dirty water multiple times and see if the water if any clearer and cleaner.(if you are doing this in a science lab don't drink the water.)

Step 5:
(Optional) In the third experiment put 6 cotton balls,paper towels, cup to put the water in and then tie the clean and dry fabric cloths to the end of the bottle where it was cut.Filter the water to get it as clean as it can get like in Step 4.See if there is any difference in experiment 1,2 and 3 because they got clean using 3 different methods.

Step 6: These are the results we got at the end of the session.

Do not drink this water just in case the is still bacteria contained in it.

In the filtration experiment It took me multiple time before I got clean,clear water so don't be worried if your water isn't so clear.If the water isn't so clear and clean think about how many time you have filter the water,How many materials was contained in your water bottle and how you can improve to get the water clearer and cleaner.If the filtration experiment still doesn't succeed for you try and do what I did and do more that one experiment.


Friday 16 February 2018

a.What is bacteria
you can easily get disease from not washing you hands after cooking raw food and many more.Bacteria is a germ that you can't see but can hurt you and a possibility if killing you from a disease.Bacteria acan also cause food poisoning

b.What does bacteria need to survive.
Oxygen,moisture,food,temperature,time and neutral ph level.

c. Give 3 example of how to avoid spreading bacteria
Wash you hands,wash you clothing/wardrobe and don't use you hands to get ice.

d. What does 'cross contamination' mean.
Cross from one to another.

Wednesday 7 February 2018


3 things about me-

1. I love to sleep
2. I love animals
3. I have 4 siblings

What I think a musical is?

Musical is dancing,singing and acting into thetre and getting in shaped and warmed up before you start.

Friday 2 February 2018

Dramatic performances

I went to see the new movie Jumunji: When 4 students of the school get a detention and one of then finds The Jumunji game and the all pick a avatar and get sinked into the game and have to finish the game to get back to their normal lives.Each of them got their own strengths and weakness's , Spencer was the only one who didn't get any weakness's.

I was also watching on the television Netball squad live.It was Africa v.s New Zealand . Before they started the game New Zealand and Africa sang the national anthems of their country . After the national anthems the started the game.At the start it looked like Africa was starting to win.But New Zealand was starting to catch up to Africa.I didn't get to watch the end of the netball game so i didn't get to see who won.

Mrs Clark went to go see the Cirque Grande circus: A circus with lots of child acrobats , e.g 12 girls balancing on one bike,:fire-eating,stilt walking; juggling and an amazing silks act where the acrobat hung ,without a safety harness,from the tent top.