
Wednesday 3 July 2019

English - The Hunger Games - Workshop

The Hunger Games - Workshop - Camera shots and angles.
Over the shoulder - To bring the audience and make them feel they are part of the conversation.
Extreme long shot -  To show how many people are present.
High angle - To show Snow is more powerful and the crowd is weaker and vulnerable.
Dutch tilt - Makes things look out of the normal. Katniss is out of place, she volunteered as tribute to save her sister - She is saying I will die for my sister.
Low angle - Makes the subject bigger/more important. - Katniss is the first volunteer in District 12 - She has been selected to be tribute above all others.
Mid shot - Makes the viewer an onlooker - Makes the audience feel she is suddenly alone.

Camera shots and angles are used effectively in the film ' The Hunger Games' . For example, in the scene after the tribute parade where we first see the character of President Snow. Gary Ross uses a combination of over the shoulder and high angle with an extreme long shot to show Snow addressing the crowd. This makes us understand that Snow is a powerful individual in the Capitol as everyone is listening to him.The purpose of this is to show Snow's supremacy among the people of the Capitol and the tributes. Coinciding with this, the use of setting shows a special place above others for Snow and below for the tributes. This can be Juxtaposed to the scene later in the film where Katniss and Peeta reclaim power by threatening to eat the poisonous berries in the arena.   

Sentence starters -
In ' The Hunger Games '
We see this when...
This makes the audience feel...
The director did this to...
This worked well with...
This aspect can be compared with...

In ' The Hunger Games ' there are different angles and shots shown throughout the movie . If you pay close attention ,you can see how the smallest things they use such as camera angles and shots ,that it helps tell the story.We see this when Katniss Everdeen takes a step forward and volunteers for her younger sister 'Primrose Everdeen' of the reaping of 'The Hunger Games'. They use camera shots and angles such as Dutch tilt ,Low angle and Mid shot. This makes the audience feel intrigued by the amount of action ,but also feel as if Katniss is alone now and that this scene isn't you're everyday scene and that its out of the ordinary. The director did this to hook the audience into the movie so they will see how the close detail makes a close difference such as the Dutch tilt ,It makes it look Katniss is starting to get a dizzy feeling ,Low angle to show that Katniss looks as though she is above everyone else now because she is on the stage along with 'Effie Trinket' ,but also because she has volunteered as tribute for 'Primrose' and the last camera angle Mid shot ,is to show Katniss facial expressions and to present that she is upset and doesn't want to be there. This worked well with the aspects,camera angles and shots of the movie as a story to show the understanding of it as a story. This aspect can be compared with different action movies, such as Divergent,Jupiter Ascending,X-men and many more.

1 comment:

  1. Great work, in your last sentence when you compare to divergent etc can you give a specific example to strengthen your argument. E.g we see this style of shot used to create the character of. Well done Jnaya on getting your second paragraph done, this is great practice for the writing your essay.


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