
Thursday, 28 March 2019


Going To Koro Whare.
Problem 1 
It's 5km from Jordan's whare to where his Koro lives . It's uphill on the way so he can only cycle 10kph but he can do 20kph on the way back . Jordan leaves his whare at 6pm . How long can he stop at his Koro's whare is he want to be back home for his favourite television at 7pm?
It will take him 45 minutes altogether. 30 minutes to get their and 15 minutes there. He will have to leave at 5:30pm and have 40 minutes at his Koro's and 15 minutes to get home and 5 minutes to get ready for his television.

What were the main mathematical concepts or ideas that you learned or we discussed in class?
Pi , Diameter and Circumference .

What questions do you still have?
I learned everything I need to know except some of Pi and stuff.

Describe a mistake or misconception that you or a classmate had in class. What did you learn from this mistake or misconception?
When we first learned about Pi , Diameter and Circumference , I didn't understand what they were until my group told me and I started to ask questions.

What new vocabulary words or terms were introduced?
Diameter , Circumference and Pi . I heard of them but didn't know what they were.

Monday, 25 March 2019

10 Worst Countries For Child Labour

Child Labour - Child labour is when you work children to the bone , this includes taking away their human rights . Out of working for slavery and child labour they get very little money for the amount of work they do . They get 100 Rupees every 1200 bricks they make. 

This Map is showing where the most affected places in the world where child labour is . The places where the children can be as young as the age of 5+.

Child labour is a serious case that is happening to this very day . This happens because one of the mains reasons I have learnt that it has happened is because of the adults that have children . Some people all around the world can't afford things like shelter , warmth , food and drinks , so the parents that live in the country with child labour go to moneylenders for help , they ask them if they could borrow some money for whichever they need if for and after a while the moneylenders come back to them and ask for them to repay what they have owed . Most of them are not able to pay so they sell their children off into child labour to slave for the people they call their masters. The children have no choice but to go along with it because their parents are still their guardians so they still kind of own still so what they say goes . Child labour takes away children human rights by taking away their right to have freedom , and a lot of children want to have an education for full time but they can't because of this child labour . Lawyers and many others around the world are trying to stop this child labour and fighting against the masters of child labour . Lawyers as well are to this day are still trying to stop child labour

Friday, 15 March 2019

Music - Illusions

What is illusion?
Illusions are tricks and mind games you can do to trick your brain into something , an can also make you think something that is false and negative. , an example of illusions is movable images on the internet which is call gif and there are video recording on Youtube as well.

Find out who the following Illusionst are?
Dynamo , David Blaine , Houdini.
Dynamo is an Illusionst as well as a magicianst . Dynamo goes all around the world to do illusions and magic trick on his audience , he even have his own crew and camera man . Dynamo is still touring around the world.

Houdini is one of the most well know famous of all time. In the year of 1899 , Harry Houdini caught the attention of a entertainment manager , Martin Beck . Martin Beck got Harry Houdini a booking in the most best venues ever know in the country . He also got to tour around Europe , Harry Houdini got involved with the public police and would strip search him , lock in cellars and put in in his own shackles as well . Fortunately for him his show was very successful and soon became the highest paying performer . Unfortunately Harry Houdini has already passed in October 31 1926 . But he has a quote "No performer should attempt to bite of red hot iron unless he has a good set of teeth.

David Blaine , who got famous by doing a magician video recording and used a tape to record and then sent it to ABC . David Blaine performed his first magician act in year of 2000 , David Blaine also did another act that surprised and shocked the audience by "Frozen In Time" Where he frozen in ice for the time record of 72 hours . 

Friday, 8 March 2019

Novel Study - Tomorrow When The War Began

Novel Study - In English we are learning Novel Study , There is Unwind and Tomorrow When The War Began . There are several questions to answer once we have read the book .

Must Do - Chapter 1-4
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the first person narration?
Disadvantages are when you can only hear and see one persons thoughts and point of view , A disadvantage is when you end a chapter and you want to hear more about what happened to 1 character and they change their narrator.

What kind of story do you think Ellie is going to tell? Use evidence from the text to support your answers.
I think that this a true story that Ellie is trying to tell but was a story that was told around 1920 and rewrote it to make more sense to today's punctuation .

What set of skills to these characters have to convince their parents that they can ¨go bush¨ independently. Find examples for three characters.
I think it was Fi´s parents that had to go on a business trip and she asked her parents , 6 of the other teenagers (not including Ellie) found out that her parents let her take the Landie and Ellie convinced her parents that she knew where to go because it was not that far from her normal camping site .

What picture do we get of Kevin in Chapter 3?
We picture him as a person who lives of a farm and tall and dark skinned , according to Corrie he is a kind and gentle person , Kevin is also a person who is afraid of living animals that CAN kill you , but most likely not to.

What does Ellie liken Fi to? Do you think this is a fair assessment of her character? Use examples from the text to support your thinking
Ellie likens Fi to that she is like a beautiful model , ¨There was something a bit self-conscious about the way she was walking  , and the was she stood there in the cooling sunlight , like a model doing a fashion shoot on a beach , I think she knew it , and loved it¨

Ellie claims that ¨Hell¨ is only a label and that people label things all the time , Often ignoring or overlooking certain labelled places or things . She them comes to the conclusion that ¨Hell¨ was people´. Is she right?
What´s your opinion, on labelling and Hell?
I think that Ellie is right about people and labelling things because without people places and things would not have names as well as countries . Without humans these places wouldn't even have names , they would just be places where you could go to live or travel.

What was especially peculiar about the planes that flew over Hell?
Their Noise , Their Speed , Their Darkness Frightened me.

Can Do
Chronological - When you plan a series of events and they need to be in a certain order.
Authority - When you are in charge of everyone and can give your orders to everyone . A job for that is being a boss of your employee
Alternatives - When there is over 1 option to choose from.
Gratification - When you have satisfaction of when you get what you want or maybe what you have longed for.
Obstinate -
Hoist - When something is lifted to the above.
Unsympathetic - When you judge something without thinking about what their going through.
Scrutinising - When you watch something very carefully and as well as every small details as well.
Commemoration - A celebration to remember someones loss of life or to just remember them in general to admire the things that they changed in life.
Hysterically - When you are unable to manage something you have caused
Concealed - To keep anything from being shown to anyone else and hidden.

Must Do - Chapter 5-8

What is the first sign that something is wrong at Ellies house?
When 3 Ellies puppies have been found dead , The mother of the puppies barely even having any sign of life , as well as their is no sign of life inside the house when their should be dishes in the dishwasher/sink and loud TV playing in the living room.

Do you think the way the teenagers reacted to realisation that Australia may have been invaded or war was realistic? Why/Why not?
I think the way they reacted was realistic , Because of how fast they were thinking when they find most of Ellie dogs dead and her parents left them to die and no note of her parents whereabouts , So they assumed that because of horror of signs left at each of their houses , That they never came back from Commemoration Day.

What possible reasons exist that could spark war or invasion in Australia?
Because of the 3 solider that Corrie , Kevin and Ellie had led them to one of their neighbours houses and set a trap with the ride-on mower.

Which people in the group were starting to stand out as leaders , is it surprising? Why/Why not?
Homer , this is because he is always trying to convince all of his friends and class that he doesn't have any feelings and he is a emotionless person and pulls pranks of everyone.

How is Ellie's image of Kevin changing in Chapter 3 and 7?

Why does the idea of a female soldier surprise Ellie?
If "Tomorrow When The War Began" was written and released in the 1900 years , then they used to force males from each country to fight for the war . So maybe Ellie was just shocked to see a female soldier

Ellie and Kevin quick-thinking allowed them to turn a ride-on lawnmower in to a bomb . Was this mortal behaviour ? Did they do the right thing ? or should they have surrendered themselves?
They did the right thing because of the soldiers are from a different country and the soldiers didn't give them any reason to not kill them , someones parents left a note telling them they don't have any knowledge of whats going on and tell their children to stay safe and be careful/

Homer says "This is war now , normal rules don't apply , They are the ones that tore up the rule book not us" What does this say about his character ? What do you think of the validity of his opinions?
This means that Homer is ready for it and he will risk it if it means that he will have to cost it his own life.

What pieces of evidence inform the reader that this invasion was not entirely peaceful ?
Find 3 examples.
1. When Ellie , Kevin and Corrie created a bomb out of a ride-on mower and kill 3 soldiers .
2. When Ellie and Homer go looking for Robyn and Lee , Robyn tells them that Lee has been shot in the calve of the leg.
3. The soldiers bomb rockets and explosives to the farm of I think Kevin house , they have to hide in the shed to get to safety .

Chapter 9-12
Why , In Ellie opinion , Is Cobblers bay and Wirrawee so important to the invaders?
Because they needed to keep the people that lived in Cobblers Bay and Wirrawee to keep quiet , So they can try to take over the rest of the country.

Corrie and Ellie reminisce about how innocent they were in high school and even a few days ago . Why were they so innocent? Why are they no longer innocent?
They used to be innocent because they never messed with other people ,  They just worried about themselves , Corrie and Ellie talked about how they used to go up to their tree house and play dolls and tea party. They are now no longer innocent because they killed real people , they had real lives and had families to go back to .

By blowing up Corrie house , What does the invading force demonstrate to the teenagers?
By blowing Corrie house up , That was the way of the invader signalling to them that they won't joke around and that this isn't a game to them and they will stop at nothing till they are killed , no matter how old or young they are.

Describe the strategy Homer and Ellie use to ensure their safety when riding their bikes in to town . What does this show about how they are starting to think?
They go at dark and night time so they will have a less of a chance of getting caught and spotted  by the intruders of their country.

How does Ellie feel as she is waiting in the truck at Council Depot? Where do her emotions come from?
Ellie had the emotions of Cold , Fear and Excitement as she described , she had the shivers , But then Ellie began to realise that an emotion of Love filled her . For the Love of her friends , If she had let her friends down they could die.

Why is it so terrible that Chris falls asleep while on sentry duty? How does Ellie react? Why do you think she react this way? How does she feel aster her reaction later?
Its terrible that Chris fell asleep because he fell asleep , that put all of them in the danger and risked their lives . Ellie yelled and screamed at Chris and she even kicked Chris because of the risk of putting their lives in danger . Ellie felt guilty after she did kind-of a tantrum at Chris , she felt guilty and she was too harsh on him.

Must Do Chapter 13-16
All the teenagers have a specific role to play in their group . Describe the roles each teenager plays .
Ellie - Ellie thinks with her head and not her heart , Ellie doesn't like to take risks in life and she thinks abut the negatives of something and not thinking about the positives
Lee - Lee follows his heart , Lee thinks with both of his head and heart , He likes to takes risks because if he didn't he would be thinking to himself , What would have happened if I did make that decision.

According to what the teenagers hear on Corries radio , Why would America best not get involved with Australia struggle's?
America is best not to get involved because , if they get involved that will cause more war and will lead to World War 3 .

Why is Australia being Invaded?
Australia is being invaded because the country that is attacking them has no very much money and has normally has to sit on the sidelines and watch as other people get expensive stuff like WiFi and Technology , When they can't.

What do Kevin and Robyn argue about? Do you think Robyn's points are fair?
I couldn't remember who was arguing but I am sure they were arguing over the reason why the Invaders did what they are doing . Because they watch as other people get what they wanted and they never got any of that , So the invaders are taking revenge because they never got that.

"Paradise in Hell" is an oxymoron . What does it mean?
"Paradise in Hell" is both a "Hell" and "Paradise" . It is "Hell" because from experience and is also called "Hell" as well , But is "Paradise" because they can live freely there Because no one is hunting them down , But they have boundaries that they cannot cross because of the invaders.

Kevin's hatred for the invader is quite extreme . Why do you think he is so angry?
 I think Kevin has the right to be angry , Because the invaders are murdering population of Wirrawee and even though they did watch , I think they have gone too far across the line by murdering them .

Despite the fact that the teenagers are in War-Zone , Evading enemy soldiers and planning guerrilla operations , they still find time to harbour romances , Do you think this is realistic?
Yes , Because even though they are in what seems like a World War 3 , They are teenagers that are possibly still going through puberty and their hormones and emotions get in the way so they won't be able to help it if they may have a little crush .

Briefly summarise the story of the "Hermit From Hell" . Do you believe he killed his family?
I think Hermit could be capable of it . If Hermit did , They could have found some deep and dark secret and didn't want anyone to know , He could have married for money or he could have been undercover spy maybe , or He did really love his wife and child but was framed , or He could have killed them for money , but needed everyone to know or at least think that he was madly in love with his wife and cared and loved his child . There could be a possibility that they faked their death though.

Chapter 17 - 20

Why does Ellie feel uncomfortable with Chris bringing cigarettes and alcohol in to Hell?
The teenagers have already broke so many rules , Too many to count , and she didn't get that the day before you turn 18 you can't get drunk , but one you turn 18 you can drink all you like , And there was such a small period of time between that.

What happened to the soldiers involved with the lawnmower incident , according to Robyn? How does this make Ellie feel?
Robyn told her story of what happened to her and her group when going to The Showground , Robyn told them that 4 of the soldiers died , Their families were being treated as well , getting special treatment , feeding well and getting enough rest needed . Their were as well fighting in the hospital , people were being killed and injured .

What is it meant by a "clean war"? Why are those invaders so intent on having a "clean war"?
Because the country that has started the war want a "clean" war because , they don't want to attract The Union Nation as well as The Red Cross attention. They have less of a chance of America getting involved is they don't include torturing them.

Why do you think the prisoners were sent to clean up the houses around town?
The prisoners were supposed to clean up any old mouldy , stale food and any dead pets and animals . I think they were checking for anything useful as well.

What makes Ellie think the soldiers walking past are professionals?
They are professionals because they are very specific and pay attention to detail and spot most things nobody can , so it looks as though they are well trained for this.

What are some clues that the group is starting to think "more like soldiers"? 
They are as well being more aware of their actions. When Corries parents left a note they were more cautious of their actions and started to act like guerrillas and soldiers , as Ellie described.

Why is Ellie nervous about being paired with Fi? Were her concerns about Fi realised?

What is true courage according to Ellie?
When Ellie and Fi were in the Tanker , Ellie says she always admired Fi because of her beauty , but now she admired her for not only her beauty , but also her courage . In that moment it was more of her courage she admired . She admired Fi for her courage to go walking around town , giving the state their in not many people would be brave enough to do it.

What problems do Fi and Ellie encounter on their mission to bring the tanker to the appropriate place under the bridge? How do they deal with these problems?

Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Musical Theatre

Musical Theatre Definition - Musical Theatre is when you are performing something like a musical play that include musical songs and dance. They use other actors rather that the original actors. The genre they use is drama .

Find a synopsis and a Youtube link for 2 musicals of your choice
Means girls

Links -
Means Girls

Character biography -
Glinda Arduenna Upland - Glinda also know as Galinda is a fictional character that plays in the movie ¨Wicked¨ . She is daughter of Highmuster Arduenna and Larena Upland , She is described as snobby , superficial and obsessed with appearing in high-class

Mimes Definition - When getting into character and expression using gesture without the use of words , the genre of mime is Musical Theatre and Drama .

Musical Example -
An example of a Mime Movie are Silent Movies , They include facial expressions , body language , pace and many others . For an example of a Silent movie is - The Lion Cage played by Charlie Chaplin , The Lion Cage is about a guy running in to a lion cage and locking himself inside as well as with the lion . The Lion Cage stars - Charlie Chaplin , Al Ernest Garcia , Merna Kennedy , Harry Crocker , George Davis and Henry Bergman .
The Lion Cage
Film Writer - Charlie Chaplin
Played by - Charlie Chaplin

Funny or not funny?

What is Comedy?
Comedy is a genre where there are people that go up on stage or they can video and try to make their audience laugh . There are different types of comedy , like Movies , stand up comedy , slapstick comedy and many other example of comedy .

Find 3 different forms of Comedy ?
Home alone - form of movie and slapstick comedy
America got talent - Dustin Dojo act
Ned Woodman - Child Comedian

Music - Dance - Performing Arts

Parris Goebel 
Who is Parris Goebel?
Parris Goebel is a New Zealand Choreographer who is from New Zealand and part of a New Zealand dance crew called ¨The Royal Family¨ who were in Sorry by Justin Bieber.

Where did Parris Goebel grow up?
Parris Goebel was born and raised in Auckland , New Zealand and started dance at the age of 10 and at the age of 15 she started her own dance crew who were a combination of 4 girls who were Request . She went to high school at ¨Auckland Girls Grammar High School.

How/When did she study dance?
She went to her first hip hip lesson at the age of 10. She danced with her dance crew ReQuest for a year then they went to Monsters of Hip Hop Convention that was held in The United States of America , After The Convention she dropped high school to focus on her dancing.

Pictures from this Website.

Royal Family
Who are The Royal Family?
The Royal Family are a Dance crew that represent New Zealand . They have been in Hip Hop Championships and females of The Royal Family have been in Justin Biebers music video for Sorry.

What Competitions have they been involved/won?
Hit The Floor , World of Dance LA , Hip Hop International and Many others . Royal Family competitions they have won World Hip Hop dance 3 times 

Which Famous Singers have they Danced for?
Justin Bieber , Jennifer Lopez , Nicki Minaj , Janet Jackson , Big Bang , 2NE1 , Blackpink and Ikon

What does the word choreography mean?
Choreography - When you create your own style of dance that includes your own dance moves and can also include famous dance moves as well but mostly your own.

What is a choreographer?
Choreographer - Someone who creates their own dance moves as well as others as well like celebritys .

3. Find 2 other choreographers (they dont have to be from NZ ) find three pictures about each and get pictures.
Matt Stephanina - Matt Stephanina is a famous Choreographer from America on Youtube .
Matt Stephanina has 10MILLION Subscribers on Youtube .
Matt Stephanina has won a nomination of - Shorty Award For Best In Dance.

Trinity Inay 
Trinity Inay is a famous teenage dancer
Trinity Inay was in Season 2 of Abbys Ultimate Dance Competition and won 3rd place .
Trinity Inay has collabed with other choreographers on Youtube , One of them is Matt Stephanina.