
Thursday, 14 September 2017

Sustainability kete

LO-Understand what we are learning about in this unit.Identify issues associated with the sustainability of whales.

Sustainability means the ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level.

  Image result for sustainability

Species of whales.
48 species

Killer whale
Image result for Killer whale

Humpback Whale
Image result for Humpback whale

Sperm Whale
Image result for Sperm whale

Blue Whale
Image result for Blue whale

Beluga Whale
Image result for Beluga whale

Fin Whale
Image result for fin whale

Whales are endangered because humans pollute the water and then the whales swim through the polluted water.Whales are endangered because People abuse the whales.Whales are endangered because sometimes we are predator to whale and they are prey because sometime we use whale in sushi.Whales are endangered because humans are spilling oils into the ocean and sea.Whales are endangered because of aquatic construction.Whales are endangered because of a pack of killer whale attacks.

LO-Identify ways in which we can reduce the factors affecting whale population.

Email the prime minister of NZ to create a new law that injuring/Killing/Creating pollution of whale habitat every whale alive is illegal.If the prime minister of NZ agrees to us to make a law 4 whales.u get sent 2 jail 4 a lot of amount of years if u do harm whales.Also they make a contract so its official.

Mentos and coke explosion

LO-Be able to follow a method to create a coke explosion and be able to find out which type of coke creates a bigger explosion

No. because it didn't go as high as i thought it would go.

When we carried out the experiment the coke fountain did not go as hgh

Zero coke when higher than the original coca cola

Because maybe the more mint the higher the coke would have rised more.

If i did this experiment again i would put more diet coke and mentos